Friday night, Scouts and Venturers met at Scout Hall, collected apples and set up outside of local grocery stores.
Saturday morning, Beavers and Cubs canvassed the neighbourhood surrounding Maple Leaf Public School.
And today, there are many Newmarket residents feeling good about supporting a worthy cause like Scouts Canada as they enjoy a juicy and delicious apple, given with thanks and a smile.
Today's post about Apple Day is written by Scouter Tim, aka Akela for the 8th Newmarket Cub Pack.
The Joys of Apple Day
On Saturday October 13th, 8th Newmarket Cubs, Leaders and parents journeyed around the neighbourhood of Maple Leaf Public School knocking on doors early (10 am-ish) and asking people if they wanted to make a donation to support Scouts Canada. It was a beautiful, cool fall day and our apples were bright and shiny from Scout polishing the previous evening. It is my second year travelling around as the Akela of the pack and I found myself truly looking forward to the experience of accompanying Cubs (and this year, one Scout), meeting neighbors and almost always being greeted warmly and given a show of support by some quarters, loonies or on several cases rolled up fives slipped into the tins.
started out accompanying one new cub and being the one talking as he
stood beside me with the basket and tin and his mother stood curbside
with the bigger supply of apples in
a travelling grocery cart. After a slow start with
a number of sleeping or empty houses, we got a number of receptive house
owners and then the Cub had the hang of it and took over the whole
thing with his mother still
accompanying him.
I continued door to door with a Scout who was the brother of one of our Cubs and the son of one of our leaders.
We went door to door until about 11:15 am and by then most of our
apples had gone and our tins were clanging full with coins with a
number of bills stuffed in there as well. It was also starting to get a
little cool and it was time to head back.
I think Apple Day is important for a number of reasons.
It is an opportunity for the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to feel good about contributing to their program.
At the doors they are almost universally greeted warmly by
appreciative people who often immediately know it's “Apple Day” and go to
fetch some money and come back with some encouragement.
Some share memories of their own days in Scouts or just smile and send us off with good wishes.
All seemed impressed with the brightly polished apples and a few
took an immediate bite and were even more impressed with the crisp fresh
Both Scouts and Leaders come to realize how many people appreciate us and the experiences we provide for youth.
Apple Day is also a time for the community to be reminded about us and to remember we were out there.
Both this year and last year I travelled around for a time with
new Cubs and both times the Cubs came away having truly enjoyed the
Looking forward to next year.