Wouldn't it be great if there was a place you could always go when you needed information about upcoming 8th Newmarket events?
Speaking of important dates, here are some that you might want to pencil into your calendar right now:
Sunday August 26 (10am to 4pm) at Scout Hall -- Uniform fitting and drill practice for those registered for Fort George
Thursday September 20 (6:30pm) -- First Scout and Cub meeting of the year
Friday September 21 - Sunday September 23 -- Fort George camp
Wednesday September 26 (6:30pm) -- First Beaver meeting of the year
Thursday September 27 -- No Scouts or Cubs tonight due to MLPS "Meet the Teacher BBQ"
Friday September 28 - Sunday September 30 -- "All Section" Fall camp at Scanlon Creek
And remember...
Registration for the 2012/2013 Scouting year is happening NOW. Please email or call for more information.
We look forward to seeing you soon!